30000 QSO since April 7,2013

Cairo is the center of Universe
June 5, 2013
SU9AF Antennas analysis
June 7, 2013

Done it! 30K QSO since of April 7th 2013 on 100 Watts and vertical / DL antennas.


Screen Shot 2013-06-06 at 3.31.56 PM

Screen Shot 2013-06-06 at 5.01.17 PM

Many thanks guys for QSO’s. If you need paper QSL, send to my QSL manager UA3DX in Moscow.


  1. Thor says:

    Well done. Congratulations!
    73 Thor, TF4M

  2. admin says:

    Thank you, Thor! 73 my friend.

  3. Bas PE4BAS says:

    Well done sparky! Surprised to work you QRP from my car at lunchbreak yesterday. Good DX, 73 Bas, PE4BAS

  4. Lee (WW2DX) says:

    Congrats Andy! 100w is doing FB job here in the states.

    73 GL DX!

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