Cairo is the center of Universe

CQ WPX CW Contest 2013
May 27, 2013
30000 QSO since April 7,2013
June 6, 2013
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Cairo is the center of Universe

Worked with Marti OH2BH this morning on 20m. He was operated from S.Sudan recently and I am heard his signal always very loud. Fortunately it’s not far from my present QTH. It seems that he traveled to Africa trough the Cairo. Yes, the Cairo is like the center of the Universe. Same as Frankfurt for Europe.


From the last news. Updated my LoTW Client Application (Thanx ARRL developers) and Uploaded last part of the Log. Surprised with QSO quantity … will report in the next message.
Situation with Antennas is still the same. Simple Vertical and very low sloping (DL) Delta Loop for 20m. Sometimes DL save my time and reduce noise level on 20m band. Vertical is too noisy.

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