South Sudan and Egypt – Amazing QSO

TO2TT and V51YJ on 6m
October 4, 2013
SU9AF LoTW Status & Statistics
October 11, 2013

QSOed Z81D this evening by SSB on 14 MHz. Signal came from “dark zone”. For 20m band this neighbor country is not reachable 100%. Amazing African HF conditions. I’ve worked with S.Sudan before several times, including OH2BH’s DXpedition.

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Date: 10 Oct 2013
Time: around 17-18 GMT
Freq: 14183 KHz (+5 KHz Split)
Mode: SSB
Call: Z81D
Op: Diya Al-Asadi
QTH: Juba, Republic of South Sudan

Record Location: SU9AF Egypt.


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