Icom ID-51 Quick overview
A quick and dirty overview of the new Icom ID-51 by K1LA. http://youtu.be/C6nHIqWz0Nc
A quick and dirty overview of the new Icom ID-51 by K1LA. http://youtu.be/C6nHIqWz0Nc
Introduction to the IC-7100 by Ray Novak, N9JA, Icom America Inc Amateur Receiver Division manager and Amateurlogic TV hosts Tommy Martin, N5ZNO, and George Thomas W5JDX. Introduction to the IC-7100Watch this video on YouTube Video by IcomAmericaInc
I Want a Big TowerWatch this video on YouTube This song is for my ham radio friends, but especially for those for whom having a tower is not an option, leaving us to put up dipoles and other antennas any way we can, and then struggle with our weak signals. (Non-hams may not understand much…
Kenwood TS-990 (Ham Fair TOKYO 2012)Watch this video on YouTube HF/50MHz TRANSCEIVER Kenwood TS-990?
The negative LED Lights impact on HF radio reception: LED light bulb disturbancesWatch this video on YouTube Video by Thilo Kootz, DL9KCE