From the Discovery Channel series “Rocket Science”: Alan Bean describes the lightning strike that knocked out power on the second lunar NASA landing mission shortly after launch. (www.foolishearthling.com)
From the Discovery Channel series “Rocket Science”: Alan Bean describes the lightning strike that knocked out power on the second lunar NASA landing mission shortly after launch. (www.foolishearthling.com)
A short reportage about the HAMRADIO 2011 in Friedrichshafen Germany. That was 184 exhibitors and unions from 29 countries – an international event. We didn’t translate the film because we didn’t know whether to put into German, English, or Spanish. So this is a polyglott version – enjoy it. Sorry to say that this film…
The Gerbil enjoys chewing the uncollected QSL’s he can do 25 a day(!) This recycles them into bedding it would be better if they were collected though!
Amateur radio enthusiasts around the world call in to the Rainbow Warrior.
Outstanding QRM (Splatters) from Ukraine Contest Station US1I during the CQWWDX Contest 2011 (Phone). From almost 14185 KHz to 14210 KHz in 14200 Central Frequency (> 25 KHz !!!).