SDR-ONE from RFSpace

The SDR-ONE is a low cost, high performance transmit / receive module for experimentation and integration into products. The module can be used stand alone or plugged into other products. It offer s very high performance with the use of 14 bit ADC/DACs. The SDR-ONE RX/TX module offers 48,96 and 192 KHz transmit and receive…

Boger BO-3500 Monitoring Receiver

   Frequency range  10kHz-3,5GHz  Frequency resolution  1Hz  Switching time  10ms (100 steps/sec.)  Frequency accuracy  10MHz reference intern:  Demodulators  AM, FM, USB, LSB, CW  Audio  1,0 watt at 8 Ohm – 1% THD  IF-filter switchable  2,4/ 4,0/ 6,0/ 15,0/ 30,0/ 110/ 220kHz optional 500Hz  IF-out  Switchable:      on/off10,7MHz BW   = 10MHz10,7MHz BW   = 10,7MHz IF-filter455kHz BW     =…

Last HF day of DW

Bonn, Germany – The government-financed German broadcaster Deutsche Welle is to cease most of its shortwave broadcasts on July 1, with emphasis shifting to television broadcasts and the internet, the corporation said in Bonn Wednesday. Shortwave, which can cross continents, is has becoming increasingly unpopular as fewer people possess shortwave radios. In many places, listeners…