NetSDR-Option X2

Second Coherent Channel Option for NetSDR The NetSDR Option X2 board adds a second coherent channel input to existing NetSDR radios. The Option-X2 includes a high performance 10 MHz reference input VCO that synchronizes both ADCs to the same reference. This option enables the unused BNC connector on the back of the NetSDR as a…

HF Converter Kit for FUNcube Dongle SDR

The FUNcube Dongle SDR Receiver has been a huge success so far and enjoys wide acceptance with many radio amateurs for receiving satellites and other VHF/UHF communications. The only drawback so far was reception of shortwave. With the HF converter the reception of a frequency range from 0 to 52MHz now becomes possible. The converter…

FUNcube SDR USB Receiver

The FUNcube SDR USB dongle is an SDR (Software defined radio) receiver built as a USB stick. The receiver covers a frequency range of 64 to 1700 MHz and can display/receive a spectrum of up to 80 kHz. The FUNcube SDR receiver was developed to support the FUNcube satellite project of AMSAT-UK. This project is…

R&S®EM100 Digital Compact Receiver

Digital compact radiomonitoring receiver from 9 kHz to 7.5 GHz. The R&S®EM100 digital compact receiver has been specifically designed as a cost-efficient mobile radiomonitoring solution. The receiver’s operation via remote control software and its monitoring functionality have been optimized for tasks requiring a handoff receiver in combination with a high-speed search receiver, for example. In…

LD-1TR Software-Defined Transceiver

The LD-1TR is a NEW 5-Watt (nominal output) HF / MF transceiver for Amatreur Radio operators. It’s based on the LD-1B2 software defined receiver (in fact, there’s an LD-1B2 inside it and it looks just like an LD-1B2) but there’s an LD-1TX 5-Watt transmitter module inside the box. Like the LD-1B2, its low cost and…