AE9RB Peaberry SDR V2 Kit

The Peaberry SDR V2 is a Software Defined Radio (SDR) Transceiver that includes ADC and DAC circuits. You do not need to add sound cards to your computer. An illustrated manual covers assembly, testing, and installation of HDSDR. Build your Peaberry SDR V2 for the 160/80/75m, 80/75/60/40m, 60/40/30/20m, 30/20/17/15m, or 17/15/12/10m bands. All kits include…

Stand Alone SDR Transceiver SunSDR-MB1

“SunSDR-MB1” HF/6M/VHF Transceiver. (Made in Russia). Full PC(Micro-ITX PC, Intel Core i5 CPU, full blown Windows 7 (or Linux Ubuntu)), transceiver’s hardware core based on SunSDR2 transceiver, 125W PA, PA LPF, ATU(option), Antenna switch, GPS receiver(option), WLAN(option), 7″ display, Fully reprogrammable front panel (all buttons and all knobs), green highlight of all buttons and a…

SDR-4+ HF Receiver

The SDR-4+ is an HF general coverage SDR receiver covering from 0.85 to 40 MHz. It has a Si570 low noise synthesised VFO, relay switched band pass filtering, ultra high IP3 E-PHEMT RF amplifier and a built-in USB soundcard. Key design features include: Antenna isolation transformer with a 50 or 450 ohm impedance input for…

ELAD QRP FDM-DUO and FDM-S1 SDR Transceiver

Photo by ELAD The Italian “Elad” company produced new state of art QRP “FDM-S1” SDR receiver. This will visible at the stand of WoodBoxRadio a new stand-alone transceiver, with fully SDR technology. It is an RF sampler, with a DDC on a FPGA, and a Cortex ARM DSP module for filtering and demodulation. Also possible…

Genesis G59: All Mode 160-6m SDR Transceiver Kit

The Genesis “G59” is the best performing SDR kit for the money currently available to amateur radio operators. Photo by The “G59” is an all-mode 160-6m SDR transceiver with 10mW of output power. The output is boosted to 10W with the “GPA10” linear amplifier. Key specifications: Receiver: adjustable synthesizer with 1Hz step, IIP3 32-35dBm,…