1300 Watts from One Transistor

Lionel, F1JRD has developed a state of art SSPA for 144 MHz that delivers up to 1300 Watt output with just about 3 Watt input. Just a single brand-new transistor that was released in November 2010 from freescale is used in this PA. As this transistor costs just below 240 Euro (320 USD, 200 GBP)…

New R&S®MG3500 HF Linear Amplifier

The R&S®MG3500 power amplifier increases the HF output power of an R&S®MR300xH/U transceiver in the HF range up to max. 500 W. Thus, it makes reliable medium- and long-range connections via groundwave and skywave possible. Typical applications include stationary and semimobile installations for tactical radio networks. * Frequency range from 1.5 MHz to 30 MHz…

New LDG AT-600pro Antenna Tuner

  The LDG AT-600 Pro can handle it! Time was, 100 watts was a lot of power. Today, more and more mid-sized amps with 500 watts output are becoming popular. The LDG AT-600Pro is designed for this new generation of power levels. The AT-600Pro will handle up to 600 watts SSB and CW and 300…