Be or not to …?

For further DX trips I have to choose the best & optimum solution for HF/VHF transceiver. Important options are Weight/Price/Quality/Performance. Based on previous experience and suggestions of my HAM Friends I’ve chosen the ELECRAFT “K3” trcvr. Also from time to time I reading reviews that gave me a lot of additional information. BUT ……

New HF rig "DX-SR8T" from Alinco

Coverage of All short-wave and HF amateur bands (DX-SR8T North American /DX-SR8E European and other regions) Covers the 160m to 10m amateur bands including 5.3MHz (T-model only) in SSB, CW, AM and FM modes. Output power is 100W SSB/CW and FM, 40W in AM with low and super-low power settings for QRP operation. In addition,…