4U1UN. One Special day

Amateur radio has been a part of my life for several decades, as a faithful friend and a dominant hobby. Of course, there are many other interesting things out there. But it is different from any others because it not only sharpens your technical knowledge, but also gives you many reasons to join the Amateur…


Author: Eddie Schneider At the IDRA dinner in Dayton,Glenn,W6OTC suggested that someone with some experience at the “sharp” end of Baudot pile-ups ought to write something about how to assist the DX station in achieving maximum efficiency and ensuring that you get in the log. My credentials. I have operated from VP5,C6A,ZF,V2,VP2M,VP9,P4, TY, 3V and…

QSOGames The next generation of HAM Radio Contesting

Betta Version What is QSOGames? QSOGames announced the ‘Next Generation in Amateur Radio Contesting’. The idea behind QSOGames is a ‘Cloud’ based Amateur Radio contesting. Forget the days of manually submitting logs, dealing with difficult log formats, or laborious contest scoring. With QSOGames, it make is easy to create/host contests, and even more fun to…