TP50CE Short RU DXpedition
Over 3000 QSO for just 1/5 days were made together with Oleg RV3DH. About 80% with RUssian stations (as planned).
Over 3000 QSO for just 1/5 days were made together with Oleg RV3DH. About 80% with RUssian stations (as planned).
Over 3000 QSO for just 1/5 days were made together with Oleg RV3DH. About 80% with RUssian stations (as planned). On the second day, when the bands were opened slightly, reached up to 9 QSO rate per minute in the huge pile-up from Russia. It was a lot’s of fun Made several QSO via…
Transceiver: TenTec “Eagle” 100w. Antenna: Random wire on fishing pole with Z11 Pro ATU. For my DX Vacation – Ten-Tec “Eagle” seems is the BEST. K3 and TS590 are too large, K2 is not stable in digital mode, FT857 and IC706 are too small to use with not good receiver. Source About Ten-Tec “EAGLE” transceiver…
Worked today JX5O. Conditions on HF were terrible. Deep QSB and a lot’s of noise. A Big Gun’s CW pile-up from EU don’t gave me any chance to call them. But, finally I got JX5O in SSB. Below is sample of JX5O’s SSB signal on 20m. (5 or 3 minutes RS-55 and about 20 minutes…