R10RTRS Special Event Station

Celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Network, a cooperative of broadcasters independent of the Federal Government of Russia, R10RTRS will be on the air from August 13th through August 26th, 2011. R10RTRS will be active for the specified period with each of the following regions to be heard for a…

OJ0UR Market-Reef

My Low Power (100 Watts) achievement. 4 Bands in SSB with YAESU transceiver “FT857d” and vertical (9m) wire antenna. Looking for CW QSO’. But this is not new DXCC one for me. Worked one month ago with OJ0/SA5BDS team. THANK YOU guys !


Using SMS DX ALERTS NETWORK of 20 dedicated radio receivers located across the globe, SMS DX ALERTS monitor amateur radio QSOs in real-time – sending you a text message alert if the new DXCC one, continent, grid or IOTA station that you need is received. Also include alerts of SFI /A &K Solar activity Values.…

DX CODE OF CONDUCT. Be, or not to be…?

DX Expedition 2011 to the Southern Sudan is a vivid indicator how HAM radio degraded. Recently there has been introduced such a thing as CODE OF CONDUCT. Many HAM’s positively responded to this initiative. But as a result, it seems that nobody is going to abide by this Code. It was just Declaration. DX expeditions…