Сhair in space project was launched April 1, 2010
HamHUD began in 1997 as a homebrew device that combined GPS, amateur packet radio (APRS®), an LCD display and driver-friendly user interface, allowing hams on-the-go to text-message and see each other’s positions in real-time. It’s called a HamHUD because it’s intended to be mounted in a “heads-up” position, allowing the ham operator to focus on…
PocketPacket is an APRS client for your iPhone/iPod Touch. The “Automatic Position Reporting System” is a packet communication protocol used by amateur radio operators (HAMs) around the world, to report position, status, station capabilities, weather or other information in real time. PocketPacket incorporates a software-based TNC, allowing you to directly capture and visualize 1200 baud…
По рекомендации Сергея (UR3IRS/UA3IRS) попробовал на своем iPHONE програмку для APRS. Программа простая и не требует какого-либо подключения радио к iPHONE. Если телефон находится в 3G сети, то вся информация идет прямо в Интернет. Скриншоты смотрите ниже: Напомню, мой позывной в APRS – HB9ERK-14. Общее впечатление положительное. Весьма простая в использовании и не требует специальных…