RUMped v3.2.8 DXpedition LOG for MAC

RUMped is a dx-pedition and contest logging tool for short wave for the Mac. Currently RUMped supports a DX-pedition mode, major contests and a general contest mode for unsupported contests. Further you can create your own contest rules. RUMped can use cocoaModem2.0 as modem for RTTY, BPSK and Hellschreiber. Starting Download the package and move…

MacDoppler ver2.15 released

MacDoppler will provide any level of station automation you need from assisted Doppler Tuning and Antenna Pointing right on up to fully automated Satellite Gateway operation. MacDoppler carries on the rich tradition pioneered by MacDopplerPRO which is in use around the world by Amateur Radio operators, satellite spotters, educators and commercial customers from CBS News…

KX3 Companion

The KX3 Companion in an app that will let the power use of your Elecraft KX3 HF radio easier and lighter. No need for a PC! Author: Andrea Salvatore IU4APC It will let you send and receive CW, PSK31 and RTTY by using your mobile phone or tablet keyboard. Optionally you can use an external…

MacLoggerDX version V5.52 released

Organizing and filtering the spots from your favourite DX Cluster for DXing, Contesting or casual rag-chewing. It supports close to a hundred radios, automatically tuning to the spots you are interested in, swinging your beam around. Alerting you to rare contacts or Band Openings and looking up, displaying on 2D, 3D and Satellite Maps and…

New Version v2.0.23 released software is currently available for usage free of charge. Currently there are 160+ different contest supported. Digital modes (RTTY, PSK etc) are supported too. Bandmap editor implemented Digital modes recognition from bandplan when spot is received from DXC fixed New rules for EA RTTY and EA PSK63 contest implemented SCP rewritten to optimize performance…