AGWTracker for Mac

AGWTracker for Mac beta version. You can download and use from downloads section. Just download the zip unzip and run it. Supports multiple google and bing online maps. Almost every day new version till the final release

RUMlogNG new ver.2.5 now available

RUMlogNG is a HAM radio logging, QSL handling and printing tool, especially made for the short wave DXer, made by a DXer. Basic logging features are included for the higher bands up to 1.2 cm and for satellite. RUMlogNG can handle an unlimited number of logs and an unlimited number of QSOs per log. Clublog…

MixW App v3 released

MixW3 is a next step on the way to the upcoming multi platform MixW project. MixW3 proposes new Telnet dialog with talk over DxCluster support and a possibility to have a backup copies of your log on our server, Logs can be password protected. MixW3 upgrade is free for those who stay with us…

SkookumLogger v1.10.7 released

Willard Myers, K1GQ, has released yet another update for his wonderful contesting software SkookumLogger. With releases taking place several times each month it is hard to keep up with all the additions and changes. Instead I will focus on what this wonderful piece of software brings to the table for contesting on OS X. SkookumLogger…

N1MMplus Logger Updated (v.1.0.4939)

New in Version 1.0.4939 KingEA contest: DX and EA Mults were not properly marked, CallHist. was not used to mark Mults in the BandPlan window, section file cncw.sec was not available in SupportFiles folder. (LY5T) (Coded by NA3M) UNDX contest: start/end of contest was changed, section file KDAC.sec was not available in SupportFiles folder. (Coded…