DXtreme Monitor Log 14

While chasing and listening to faraway broadcast stations remains popular, interest in monitoring aircraft, utility stations, and Amateur Radio is at an all-time high … providing many opportunities for nabbing a new country, a new state, or in the case of international aircraft received via HFDL, a new Grid Square. Truly Good Times … enhanced even…

K6TU Remote control for iPAD

K6TU Remote is an iPad application that provides full remote control of a FlexRadio Systems® FLEX-6000 series radio over the network. IMPORTANT: K6TU Remote is a very demanding application due to the network bandwidth required between the radio and the iPad coupled with the graphics load of the pan adaptor and waterfall. A modern iPad…

MacLoggerDX Version 6.02b

Updated to: OS X 10.9+ and Intel 64 bit Processor. Added prosign elision to DTR/RTS CW Keyer. Added File menu Show Log command. Added File menu Compress Log command. Added Labels margin controls. Added Rotor prefs Floating Bearing display. Display Lookup Spots on dogparkSDR Panadapter. Replaced Growl Alarm Notifications with OS X User Notifications. Added…

MacDoppler Version 2.19 Released

MacDoppler will provide any level of station automation you need from assisted Doppler Tuning and Antenna Pointing right on up to fully automated Satellite Gateway operation. MacDoppler carries on the rich tradition pioneered by MacDopplerPRO in 1999 which is in use around the world by Amateur Radio operators, satellite spotters, educators and commercial customers from…