MacLoggerDX Version 6.02b

Updated to: OS X 10.9+ and Intel 64 bit Processor. Added prosign elision to DTR/RTS CW Keyer. Added File menu Show Log command. Added File menu Compress Log command. Added Labels margin controls. Added Rotor prefs Floating Bearing display. Display Lookup Spots on dogparkSDR Panadapter. Replaced Growl Alarm Notifications with OS X User Notifications. Added…

MacDoppler Version 2.19 Released

MacDoppler will provide any level of station automation you need from assisted Doppler Tuning and Antenna Pointing right on up to fully automated Satellite Gateway operation. MacDoppler carries on the rich tradition pioneered by MacDopplerPRO in 1999 which is in use around the world by Amateur Radio operators, satellite spotters, educators and commercial customers from…

SkookumLogger v1.10.7 released

Willard Myers, K1GQ, has released yet another update for his wonderful contesting software SkookumLogger. With releases taking place several times each month it is hard to keep up with all the additions and changes. Instead I will focus on what this wonderful piece of software brings to the table for contesting on OS X. SkookumLogger…

N1MMplus Logger Updated (v.1.0.4939)

New in Version 1.0.4939 KingEA contest: DX and EA Mults were not properly marked, CallHist. was not used to mark Mults in the BandPlan window, section file cncw.sec was not available in SupportFiles folder. (LY5T) (Coded by NA3M) UNDX contest: start/end of contest was changed, section file KDAC.sec was not available in SupportFiles folder. (Coded…

MacLoggerDX Version 5.59 Released

Dog Park Software is pleased to announce that version 5.59 of MacLoggerDX has been released. What’s New in this version: Requires OS X 10.6.8+ and Intel 64 bit Processor. Added time-to-sunrise/sunset to Local Lookup. 2D Map centered on QTH Longitude. Added Find My Location button to Station Prefs. Added Club Log Delete QSO command. Added…