The PMSDR is a small, low-cost, HF bands full coverage “Software Defined Radio” receiver that use a computer USB port and delivers I-Q audio signals to the PC’s sound card. It was designed by Martin Pernter IW3AUT and it’s similar to the “SOFTROCK XTALL project”, but with many more features. This way a great many hams can listening all shortwave bands that can be achieved by having just a low cost hardware working with the powerful (free) software WinRadwritten by Alberto I2PHD and now also with Jeffrey’s Winrad, PowerSDR-IQ,G8JCFSDR and SDR-SHELL (for Linux) on the PC. A powerful DLL Interface provide the PMSDR as bidirectional tunable Panadapter, and many possibilities to interface the PMSDR to other software and/or transceivers. There are also: WinRadHD (by DG0JBJ), a special version of WinRad V1.32 optimized for Netbooks and with many other additional features.
WRplus (by Sandro Sfregola), a special version of WinRad with powerful DSP improvments and and additional FM Demodulators.