The rig receiver offers general coverage from 1.5 to 29.9 Mc. It is an up-conersion RX with the first IF located around 45 Mc while the second IF is at 455 Kc. This second IF provides selectivity by means of two integrated mechanical Collins filters of 2.4 Kc (SSB) and 0.5 KC (CW). In addition to these filters there is an audio-based DSP implemented which provides de-noising, a notch filter plus additional selectivity of 1.8 Kc and 250 Hz.
The transmitter section is rated at max. 100 watts output.
The PC-16000E has almost all the bells and whistles one may expect from a top-of-the-line RIG.
The CW enthusiast will greatly appreciate the near-perfect QSK capability.
A nice feature not found in other radios is the built-in RTTY and CW decoder. Through the use of the standard keyboard it allows for RTTY and CW operation without the need for a dedicated PC plus decoding software.