RigExpert AA-1400 – Antenna Analyzer

RigExpert AA-1400 – Antenna Analyzer (0.1 to 1400 MHz). RigExpert AA-600, AA-1000 and AA-1400 are powerful antenna analyzers designed for testing, checking, tuning or repairing antennas and antenna feedlines. Graphical SWR (Standing Wave Ratio) and impedance, as well as Smith/polar chart displays are key features of these analyzers which significantly reduce the time required to…


HackRF One SDR 10 – 6000 MHz

The HackRF One is a test equipment module for RF related experiments and measurements which covers a frequency range from 10 to 6000 MHz. It is used for experiments and measurement setups with open source programs for SDRs, own software development for radio communications and measurements in amateur radio. The hardware was developed by Michael…
