Solar Data for your MAC OS X

Finally there is a Mac Dashboard Widget version of Paul Herrmans, N0NBH, solar terrestrial data! As you will be aware, radio wave propagation is dependent on the sun which periodically ionizes certain layers in the ionosphere, that in turn support or prevent the propagation of signals. To gain a quick oversight over the current status…


"SunSDR" Project

По сообщению RW3PS в декабре 2009 группа энтузиастов из Таганрога заявила о создании проекта SunSDR трансивера и соответствующего программного обеспечения. Новость с интересом обсуждается на форуме сайта CQHAM.RU



HamHUD began in 1997 as a homebrew device that combined GPS, amateur packet radio (APRS®), an LCD display and driver-friendly user interface, allowing hams on-the-go to text-message and see each other’s positions in real-time. It’s called a HamHUD because it’s intended to be mounted in a “heads-up” position, allowing the ham operator to focus on…
