Ham Radio Deluxe Updated

Ham Radio Deluxe Updated to version 6.1   HRD Software, LLC will be attending HamCom in Plano, TX this weekend on June 7th and 8th, 2013 .All attendees are invited to come by and say hello to Rick (W4PC), Erin (KJ4MFO) and Mike (WA9PIE). Rick (W4PC) and Erik (KC0WWC) continue work HRD 6.1. The beta…


CL-100 Internet Linking Controller

This CL-100 was specially developed to provide Internet connectivity to existing repeater controllers or remote link transceivers without the need of a supporting computer. The CL-100 connects directly to a DSL or CABLE modem. It can also be connected to a port on your router and share your existing high-speed internet connection. CL-100 Features: Voice…
