Nobel Laureate Joe Taylor, K1JT, Addresses Plenary Session at WRC-12, Receives ITU Gold Medal

Professor Joe Taylor, amateur radio operator K1JT and 1993 Nobel laureate in physics, briefly addresses a plenary session of the 2012 ITU World Radiocommunication Conference in Geneva, Switzerland, on February 3, 2012. Afterward, he is awarded the ITU’s Gold Medal by Dr. Hamadoun Tour?, HB9EHT, Secretary-General of the ITU. On Friday, February 3, delegates and…


CW and Twitter

The Tworse Key is a standalone device that connects through a standard LAN cable, the Morse signals are decoded by the built-in Arduino Ethernet board, which delivers the final message though the Twitter API. software requirements: Arduino 1.0 (or later) Twitter library by @NeoCat the latest TworseKey sketch for Arduino provided here. hardware requirements: Morse…
