The ultimate QRSS Transmitter Kit is produced by Steve G0XAR and Hans G0UPL in 30, 40 and 80m versions.
The kit contains the PCB, LCD, programmed microcontroller and all board-mounted components. Download the instruction manual using the link above. The PCB is quite compact and moderate care is required in the construction. A rich array of functionality is provided by the design; please read the instruction manual to understand the facilities provided. Builder modifications will be shown on this page as they are developed!
Note for WSPR users: the 30m kit has a 10.140MHz crystal which is suitable for either the QRSS sub-band or the WSPR frequency. Therefore on 30m the kit can be used as a standalone WSPR transmitter. On other bands you may need to supply a suitable crystal for the WSPR frequency on that band. Alternatively you could use this kit in the AF output mode, fed into a conventional SSB transmitter set to the frequency of your choice.
The kit supports the following modes:
- QRSS mode (plain on/off keyed slow CW)
- FSK/CW mode (frequency shift keyed slow CW)
- DFCW mode (dual frequency CW)
- WSPR mode (Weak Signal Propagation Reporter)
- Slow-Hellschreiber (frequency shifted slow-Hell)
- Full-speed Hellshreiber
- Half-speed (“DX”) Hellshreiber
- CW (plain CW)
- Customisable FSK patterns
Other features:
- 24-character LCD + two-button user interface
- User-programmable (callsign, message, speed, FSK, mode, etc.), settings stored in EEPROM
- GPS interface, for locking the frequency in slow-speed modes
- On-chip generation of WSPR encoded message (no PC required)
- WSPR maidenhead locator can be generated from GPS-derived latitude/longitude
- Selectable “frame” size, for stacked QRSS reception
- Plain CW callsign identifier at selectable interval
- Produces 150mW RF output, or AF output for driving an SSB transceiver
- Higher output power by additional PA transistor and/or higher PA supply voltage
The estimate price: 19 EUR or 24 USD.