LDG AT-600PROII Autotuner

Time was, 100 watts was a lot of power. Today, more and more mid-sized amps with 500 watts output are becoming popular. The LDG AT-600ProII is designed for this new generation of power levels. The AT-600ProII will handle up to 600 watts SSB and CW and 300 on RTTY (1.8 – 30 MHz) and 250…

HEIL headset BM-10 is available again

The legend is back! The BM-10 headset was designed to be a lightweight (only 3 oz), articulate sounding boomset that is ideal for DXpeditions, mobile, and general rag chewing. The speakers used in the BM-10 are extremely sensitive and don’t require much AF drive from the transceiver. The frequency response is 60 Hz- 12 kHz…

Stand Alone SDR Transceiver SunSDR-MB1

“SunSDR-MB1” HF/6M/VHF Transceiver. (Made in Russia). Full PC(Micro-ITX PC, Intel Core i5 CPU, full blown Windows 7 (or Linux Ubuntu)), transceiver’s hardware core based on SunSDR2 transceiver, 125W PA, PA LPF, ATU(option), Antenna switch, GPS receiver(option), WLAN(option), 7″ display, Fully reprogrammable front panel (all buttons and all knobs), green highlight of all buttons and a…

Rigol DS1000Z Series Digital Oscilloscope

DS1000Z Series is the new economic level Digital Oscilloscope to meet the customer’s applications with its innovative technology, industry leading specifications, powerful trigger functions and broad analysis capabilities. Fearures: 100MHz,70MHz Bandwidth, 4 channels 1G Sa/s Real-time Sample Rate 12Mpts (Std.) and 24Mpts (Opt.) Memory Depth Innovative “UltraVision” technology Up to 30,000wfms/s Waveform Capture Rate Up…

Ham Radio Deluxe HRD Ver. 6.1 Released

HRDSoftware, LLC is proud to announce the release of Ham Radio Deluxe 6.1. Rick Ruhl, W4PC, HRD lead software programmer, said, “Much of the development team’s work on HRD 6.1 went into new features and enhancements.” DM added MMSSTV to its vast array of digital modes. SuperSweeper is now a triple-threat with CW added to…