Timewave Navigator Sound Card Modem

Timewave Navigator Sound Card Modem Features: Single USB connection to computer USB Sound Card built-in USB Powered Universal Rig Control built-in – logic level +/-, CI-V, CAT, & RS-232! Software Configuration – No jumpers! FSK Controller for Precision RTTY K1EL Paddle & Keyboard Precision CW Separate COM ports for PTT, FSK, CW, CI-V & RS-232…

Alinco DX-SR9T All-mode Desktop Transceiver

DX-SR9T 1.9~29MHz SSB/CW/AM/FM/SDR All-mode Desktop HF Transceiver. Now you can enjoy the thrill of DX QSO all over the world with the Alinco DX-SR9T. A new desktop radio designed to be affordable without compromising performance, the DX-SR9T boasts an analog easy-to-use transceiver featuring 3 ceramic filters with narrow modes and optional mechanical filter insertion capabilities;…

AE9RB Peaberry SDR V2 Kit

The Peaberry SDR V2 is a Software Defined Radio (SDR) Transceiver that includes ADC and DAC circuits. You do not need to add sound cards to your computer. An illustrated manual covers assembly, testing, and installation of HDSDR. Build your Peaberry SDR V2 for the 160/80/75m, 80/75/60/40m, 60/40/30/20m, 30/20/17/15m, or 17/15/12/10m bands. All kits include…

Arraysolutions AS-419 “Bandpasser” (WARC)

The AS-419 “Bandpasser” contains six high performance bandpass filters in a single compact package and comes standard with filters for 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters. Filters for 160M thru 15M are 3-pole Chebyshev designs which provide over 40db rejection of adjacent bands (excluding WARC bands). Due to the narrow separation between 15M…

TARGETuner fully automatic control unit

Description: TARGETuner Mobile Antenna Management System provides a controller with intelligent automatic controls for the tunable mobile screwdriver antenna, and a Remote RF Module. Performance Senses RF signal into the antenna No radio data link required for band selection Direction switch and motor control of speed and direction Programmable for stall current sensing Easy programming…