Ranger AirSpy HF+ SDR Receiver

Airspy products and the SDRSharp software has teased his next upcoming software-defined radio hardware called the “Airspy HF+ Ranger”. The Airspy HF+ Ranger prototype was also seen at the Dayton Hamvention through their local Airspy.us reseller. The specifications appear to be very impressive, with a wide frequency range of 0.5 kHz to 1750 MHz and…

Flex Radio 8000 Series and MAESTRO updates

Video from Dayton HAMVENTION 2024 (USA) Video by Kyle – AA0Z The Next Generation of SDR Solutions to the Amateur Community Austin, Texas—May 17, 2024: FlexRadio Systems, a global leader in software defined radio (SDR) and HF communications, announced today the FLEX-8000 Series line of HF/6m transceivers. The FLEX-8000 Series next-generation SDRs build on the success…

LAN-IQ SDR (Stand-alone SDR)

LAN-IQ SDR Features: ● 50 kHz to 1700.00MHz continuous frequency range ● Direct sampling ● DDC – Digital Down-Conversion ● 12- bit 76.8 MSPS A/D conversion ● Stand Alone mode (AM, SAM, CW, SSB, NFM, WFM stereo, BPSK, QPSK , RTTY, FT8 demodulators) ● Up to 2.2MHz recording and processing bandwidth ● Waterfall display functions,…

RigExpert “FOBOS” HF SDR

The Fobos SDR is a high-performance Software-Defined Radio (SDR) receiver with a USB 3.0 interface. This device offers a continuous operating frequency range from 100 kHz to 6 GHz and up to 50 MHz bandwidth with 14-bit signal sampling resolution, ensuring full data integrity. With two auxiliary input channels, HF1 and HF2, for coherent direct…