IC-7300 Basic Manual (English)
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AGWTracker for Mac beta version. You can download and use from www.sv2agw.com downloads section. Just download the zip unzip and run it. Supports multiple google and bing online maps. Almost every day new version till the final release
RUMlogNG is a HAM radio logging, QSL handling and printing tool, especially made for the short wave DXer, made by a DXer. Basic logging features are included for the higher bands up to 1.2 cm and for satellite. RUMlogNG can handle an unlimited number of logs and an unlimited number of QSOs per log. Clublog…
JC-5 was designed to cover the needs of high power professional use and increased reliability. So, materials of the best in market were used, despite the high cost of some of them, due to their limited production! At the pictures you can take a look at the inside of the coupler. In the photos we…
TDXONE TD-Q3 450-470MHz Walkie Talkie Travel Easy Portable FM 16 Channels. Quick Overview Frequency Rang: 450-470MHz Channel Capacity:99 Channel Spacing:12.5/25kHz Antenna Impedance:50Ω Microphone Impedance:600Ω Price: $41.94 USD Link