Microset BT-20LTE Repeater LTE 2600 MHz

The BT-20LTE Repeater extends the range of LTE signals in the 2600 MHz frequency range (LTE band 7). It is suitable for extended coverage of small offices, restaurants, homes, shops etc. where reception of LTE signals was not possible before due to building limitations. The BT-20LTE consists of one outdoor antenna with 10m cable, the…

Preppcomm DMX 40m CW Transceiver

The Preppcomm DMX combines a CW QRP transceiver for the 40 m band with an excellent Morse Code encoder/decoder in a single, lightweight and compact housing. The touch-sensitive color display shows the received characters in plain text, and thanks to call sign recognition you always have an overview. The DMX allows you to immediately become…

SkookumLogger v4.8 for MAC

SkookumLogger v4.8 now available Bill Myers, K1GQ has released the latest version of the contest logging software SkookumLogger for macOS. SkookumLogger is a contest logging program for macOS 10.15 (Catalina) or later, available on the App Store. The app is self-contained, except that you will need to install drivers for your serial hardware if it…

Q900 SDR Radio Transceiver V4

Q900 SDR Radio Transceiver V4 | Built-in Battery Portable FT8   Q900 SDR Transceiver V4 is a sophisticated and compact SDR radio that utilizes the software-defined radio (SDR) technology to operate on all modes and bands of amateur radio frequencies ranging from 1.8MHz to 470MHz. The Q900P SDR Transceiver supports various operation modes such as…