Yaesu M-1 Microphone

The Yaesu M-1 is a high-quality, innovative desktop microphone, designed for the discriminating operators. It features combined condenser and dynamic microphone elements. The condenser microphone element produces greater frequency response and clear, crisp audio characteristics perfect for being heard in crowded bands and in big DX pile-ups. The dynamic microphone element delivers the rich low-mid…

SharkRF OpenSPOT

openSPOT is a standalone digital radio IP gateway / hotspot What is openSPOT? openSPOT is a standalone digital radio IP gateway designed mainly for amateur radio. You can reach DMR, D-STAR and C4FM/System Fusion networks by using an openSPOT, internet access, and your DMR/D-STAR/C4FM radio. What’s openSPOT good for? Let’s say you live in Budapest,…

Remote vacuum relay switch, RK-314

SKU RK-314 Power, Watts, ICAS 5,000 at 30Mhz Losses, db 0,05 at 30MHz Cross talk, db more then – 50db to unused port Description Features The RK-3xx series of switches uses vacuum relays. It is designed to switch coaxial lines in RF systems operating up to 5 kW continuous duty. Specifications • Port Isolation (Worst…

Resonant Fuchs Antenna QRP tuner

Fuchs antenna has been known for many years. It is known as antenna with very narrow band width, which is not desirable at most of HAM operators. But this narrow band width is actually an advantage, because antenna beside high efficiency also functions as preselector when tuned. With this in mind Bostjan, S52FT has started…

Ham Fair Tokyo 2016

Ham Fair Tokyo 2016 ICOM Booth Video by JI1ETU Ham Fair Tokyo 2016 YAESU Booth Video by JI1ETU Ham Fair Tokyo 2016 KENWOOD Booth Video by JI1ETU Ham Fair Tokyo 2016 ALINCO Booth Ham Fair Tokyo 2016 ALINCO Booth【ハムフェア東京2016 アルインコブース】Watch this video on YouTube Video by JI1ETU Ham Fair Tokyo 2016 AOR Booth Ham Fair…