R&S®MR300xH/U Advanced Multiband Tactical Radios

ROHDE&SCHWARZ MR300xH/U Advanced Multiband Tactical Radios Descriptions: Brief description The |R&S®MR300x radios form a family of high-performance digital radios covering the HF, VHF and UHF bands. Thanks to various high-speed data modes and protocols as well as multiple anti-jam modes for HF, VHF and UHF, they perfectly integrate into tactical communications networks. The radios are…

SDR HF "Andromeda" Transceiver

Sneak peek at the Andromeda 100W Transceiver. 10th GEN Intel 6 Core i7, 7 inch built in touch screen and an option to add up to two External HD Monitors. Windows 10 Powerful PC and an Ultra High performance 100W SDR with PureSignal Goodness in a single compact Box! Run FT8 and other Digital Modes…

R&S®Cable Rider ZPH

Brief description: The R&S®Cable Rider ZPH has all the essential basic measurement capabilities required for installing and maintaining antenna systems in the field. Its unique features ensure fast and efficient cable and antenna measurements and spectrum analysis. Two different R&S®ZPH models are available to suit different needs, a pure one-port cable and antenna analyzer and…

Icom IC-PW2 1kW HF+ 6m Amplifier

On August 31, 2019, Icom Co., Ltd. announced the IC-PW2 – 1kW linear amplifier in the HF + 50MHz band at its booth at Ham Fair 2019. Full power, full duty specification that uses LDMOS for the final output and 1kW output even for long-term transmission, equipped with an antenna selector that can connect two…