Access to HF by Internet Remote Controle

The system was originally developed with the aim to remotely control the Icom IC-706 (and later the kenwood TS-480) over the internet. These radios have detatchable control panels and the idea was to extend the cord between the radio and the panel using TCP/IP (Internet). Another ‘must’ was to get rid of the PC, especially…

New microHAM Station Master DeLuxe

Station Master DeLuxe™ the big brother of Station Master™ and has all its capabilities but provides a more ergonomic user interface with large 240×64 LCD, multiple programmable buttons and stacked antenna support. Station Master DeLuxe is designed for large single radio stations with multiple rotators and stacks, advanced SO2R stations requiring full control and ergonomic…

New MicroHAM USB Interface III

These USB Interfaces provide a solution to the lack of available Serial (COM) ports on laptop and newer desktop computers for controlling your radio.The USB interface III includes full optical isolation of all control signals (radio control, CW,  PTT and Squelch) and built-in USB soundcard with front panel level controls for transmit via your transceiver’s…

New ICOM "IC-9100" review

Этот новый КВ/УКВ трансивер фирмы ICOM впервые демонстрировался на недавно прошедшей радиолюбительской конференции (HAM Fair 2009) 22-23 августа 2009 года в Токио, Япония. Аппарат оснащен IF DSP32 битным процессором, модулем D-Star для диапазона 1.2 Ггц. Мощность передатчика “IC-9100” для КВ диапазонов составляет 100 Ватт . Для диапазона 6/2 метров и 70  см – 50 Ватт.…