Elecraft K4HD HF Transceiver

Elecraft K4HD Transceiver HIGH-PERFORMANCE DIRECT-SAMPLING SDR incl. KRX4 A direct-sampling SDR Our new K4 harnesses the latest in signal processing while retaining the best aspects of the K3S and P3. The resulting user interface makes the technology transparent, allowing you to focus on working the world. 160-6 meter, all-mode coverage & dual RX The K4…

VisAir HF transceiver DDC/DUC 100W ATU

Visair is a SDR DDC/DUC HF transceiver with direct signal digitization and operates in the frequency range of the amateur HF bands, with two independent receivers with an overview up to 192 kHz. A 7″ large color display with a resolution of 800×400 pixels allows you to comfortably control the transceiver and monitor the air.…

DSP Noise Cancelling Speakers DESKTOP MKII

Dramatically reduce noise and interference and hear more clearly! Now includes the latest bhi DSP noise cancelling technology for even better receive audio! The bhi DESKTOP MKII 10 Watt amplified DSP noise cancelling base station speaker has removes noise and interference to leave clear speech. It works on all types of radio, transceivers, receivers, and…

WOLFWAVE Digital Ausio Filter

WOLFWAVE DIGITAL AUDIO FILTER – PROCESSING OF THE AUDIO SIGNAL The Wolfwave is a digital audio filter that very efficiently improves the intelligibility of a received signal. This is achieved by multi-level and adaptive processing of the audio signal: first, the noise is reduced, then a bandpass filtering, and finally an equalizer function for the…

ACOM 2020S HF Linear Amplifier

The ACOM team, are proud to introduce the brand new 2020S. Solid-State 1500 W: 1.8-54 MHz Linear Power Amplifier with Touch-Screen Remote Control. The amplifier employs two powerful modules in power splitting/combining technique which is well time-proven in high-power commercial applications to provide sufficient output headroom. Thanks to input and output ports isolation from each…