New HT ICOM "IC T70"

U.S. Frequency range Transmit: 144–148, 420–450 Receive: 136–174, 400–479 Includes WX channels Output power: High 5.0 W, Mid. 2.5 W, Low 0.5 W Memories: 302 (incl. 50 scan edges and 2 call channels) Supplied Battery: 1400 mAh External Power: 10.0–16.0 VDC Dimensions: 2 9?32″(W)x4 3?8″(H)x1 3?16″(D) Weight: 13.4 oz w/ battery and antenna Some Detail…

New DRM UniWave receiver "Di-Wave 100"

The UniWave Di-Wave 100 is a revolutionary portable radio. It tunes longwave (150-288 kHz), medium wave (522-1620 kHz) and shortwave (2300-30000 kHz). The reception of DRM Digital Radio Mondiale, is supported on longwave, medium wave and shortwave (where applicable). SSB mode is not supported. DRM features include: station name and program information, Journaline®, MOT Slideshow…

New ADAT "ADT-200A" SDR transceiver

Funkamateur, January 2010, have published Part 1 of their review on the ADAT ADT-200 direct-sampling Transceiver, by DJ1TO. The ADT-200 truly raises the bar in overall performance; it is comparable to the rx Perseus (….excluding the Perseus instead, allows the external PC!) La Rivista Funkamateur di Gennaio 2010, ha pubblicato la Parte-1 della Review del…


A complete kit consists of the following 7 separate packages: – Mother board – Attenuator board – LCD and control board – Synthesizer module – I/Q demodulator module – HF module – VHF/UHF module Price: 355 EUro More

New HF / VHF Transceiver PT-8000

ИНОГДА ОНИ ВОЗВРАЩАЮТСЯ … (Read info in German) Die Firmen Hilberling und TELEFUNKEN Radio Communication Systems haben sich im Fr?hjahr diesen Jahres entschlossen, die Kompetenzen beider H?user zu b?ndeln und mit gemeinsamen Kr?ften den HF-Transceiver PT-8000 an den Markt zu bringen. Dieses Ziel wird nun Anfang 2010 erreicht sein und die Firma Hilberling wird ihren…