MacLoggerDX 5.26 Released

URL for Download Info: IC-7800 S-Meter. Contest Log Split bug fixed. Update microKEYER II for SteppIR, Ultrabeam, Freq. Display etc. Added APRS to Web Maps. Added ON6DP QSL Manager Database. Fixed Check By Mode Alarm.


The MFJ-706 is an Emergency Communications (EmComm) box that turns your ICOM IC-706 into an instant and foolproof emergency communications center. It covers all HF, VHF and UHF amaterur radio frequencies available on the IC-706. It is literally a complete grab-and-go communications center that can provide a full 100 Watts SSB/CW signal simply by plugging…

"ROS" is the new digital mode

The First QSO 18 February 2010, at 20:56 UTC took place the First Official QSO with ROS from Vitoria (Spain) to University of Twente (The Netherlands) covering a distance of 1265 Km. on 7.065 Mhz. The first Ham Radio Operator to get it was EA2LE. Download “ROS v1.6.3 beta Windows Vista Compatible (i think)” Download…