New Daimond "HFV8040" Dipole Antenna

Length:Approx. 10.2m / Turing-radius:Approx. 3.6m Weight:Approx. 7.0kg Frequency:3.500-3.805 MHz / 7.00-7.20 MHz Max. power rating:300W SSB, 100W (FM/CW) Impedance:50? SWR:Less than 1.5 (at resonate frequency) Connector:M-J Wind surface area:0.35? / Rated wind velocity:35m/sec. Type:Dual band V dipole antenna / Mast diameter Accepted:?30-?62 Source

New RUMlog v.4.4.4 released for MAC OS X

After a lot of user feed back, RUMlog version 4 is now ready for download. The documentation was completely rewritten and is provided within the downloadable file, or you can read it direct here. New breathtaking features awaiting you, like Satellite logging, IOTA and Grid Square tracking, an own dx database and the control of…

RUMped Log software for MAC OS X

RUMped is a logging tool for short wave for the MAC under OSX. It is not designed for the daily QSOs. Currently RUMped supports a DX-pedition mode, some major contests and a general contest mode for unsupported contests. Supported contests: •WWDX •ARRL Field Day •IARU World Championship •Work All Germany •WAEDC •WPX •ARRL DX Contest…

Solar Data for your MAC OS X

Finally there is a Mac Dashboard Widget version of Paul Herrmans, N0NBH, solar terrestrial data! As you will be aware, radio wave propagation is dependent on the sun which periodically ionizes certain layers in the ionosphere, that in turn support or prevent the propagation of signals. To gain a quick oversight over the current status…