
Description Elektor Electronic Toolbox combines electronic reference material with calculation and conversion tools in one handy app. Whether a professional or hobbyist, the app gives users a collection of the most important electrical information right at their fingertips. PLEASE NOTE: The App supports the following languages: English, French, German, Italian, Netherlands, Spanish and runs on…

MacLoggerDX HD for iPad

MacLoggerDX HD is an Amateur Radio application that monitors the spots from your favourite DX Cluster for DXing, Contesting or casual rag-chewing. It Alerts you to rare contacts or band openings by looking up and displaying real time propagation paths on a zoomable map. MacLoggerDX HD can log your contacts to a super fast sql…

GRE PSR-800 EZ Scan

The GRE PSR-800 EZ Scan is a revolutionary approach to scanner listening. It allows you to listen to desired communications without PC or Internet programming because everything is already in the scanner! The Digital EZ Scan scanner includes a 2GB SD card inside the radio with the entire US database of trunked systems and popular…