
An integrated DC analyzer measures volts, amps, watts, amp-hours and more. The backlit graphical LCD features 13 display modes. Hi-side monitoring is ideal for vehicle use. PC software via USB supports real-time monitoring, data download and charting. Capabilities Hardware Handles 13 display modes including voltage, current flow in either direction, wattage and amp-hours Measures 0V…

Made in Ukraine

New SDR Transceiver “SDR-2000ua” On English     Трансивер построен по схеме прямого преобразования частоты в низкую промежуточную частоту с последующей обработкой сигналов компьютерной программой. Все конструктивно-схемные решения были направлены на улучшение технических показателей приемо-передающего тракта и конструкции. Для исследований и наладки применялись современные измерительные средства и комплексы. Анализатор спектра RSA3308A фирмы Tektronix, сервис монитор…

ADS-SR1 Simplex Repeater

The ADS-SR1 is a multi-function voice recorder device that connects to virtually any handheld, base, or mobile radio. It features exceptional voice recording quality and higher capacity than any other comparable device on the market.   Simplex Repeater A simplex repeater records incoming transmissions and retransmits them on the same frequency. This has the effect…

HF SWL TEN-TEC Kit Receiver 1254

Model 1254 combines the satisfaction of the kit building experience with the performance features expected in a modern HF receiver. Building one’s own receiver from a kit has launched countless thousands of people into communications careers or the hobbies of amateur radio and shortwave listening (“SWLing”). You will build a true dual-conversion superhet with a…