VHF / UHF Transceivers ICOM IC-F5012 / IC-F6012

Click Image below to enlarge. Simple operation for instant communication The IC-F5012 series has 8 channels. The P0-P3 programmable buttons allows you to customise the radio to suit your needs and convenience. Most popular signalings built-in Use the built-in 2-Tone, 5-Tone, MDC 1200, CTCSS and DTCS capabilities as standard to set up your own talk…

The I-Pro Home antenna

40 to 10m Efficient vertical dipole design No Radials! No Counterpoise! Small space requirements Easy installation The I-Pro Home antenna is a vertical dipole for the bands from 40 to 10m, incl. WARC bands. Due to the design as vertical dipole the antenna does not require any radials or counterpoises, making it very well suitable…

CommCat 4

CommCat 4 is a radio control and logging program for radio amateurs who share a passion for talking to other hams around the world. CommCat works with most popular radios and accessories. It requires a Windows XP or later computer. CommCat 4 is compatible with the Vista and Windows 7 operating systems. CommCat is now…

SDR PERSEUS Software V4.0B Released

New: Client/Server Architecture for Remote Operations over Local or Wide Area Networks Please read carefully the file Client-Server Perseus Software Reference – EN02.pdf provided with this distribution for a detailed description of the new network features of the Perseus client and server software. Improvements: • Decimation filters alias image rejection has been raised to 150…