New HF-AUTO will have some of the following specs that supercedes the already complex design of the AT-AUTO with new and innovative design improvements. The HF-AUTO will function fast and flawlessly with ANY transmitter without plodding through menus and cables, that in most cases will not work with other accessories. – 1 Watt to 2500…

SDR-4 general coverage receiver

The SDR-4 receiver covers from 0.85 to 30 MHz and follows on from our existing SDR Receiver with a Si570 low noise synthesised VFO, relay switched band pass filtering, a power FET RF amplifier and a built-in USB soundcard. Key design features include: Antenna isolation transformer with a 50 or 450 ohm impedance input for…

HEIL Elite Series Microphone

The new Gold Elite microphone is designed and crafted specifically for amateur radio communications. It contains two distinctly different high performance dynamic elements that are available at the flip of a switch to meet the different types of communications. The WIDE position has the HEIL Elite full range element producing smooth articulate 60Hz – 16…