"Will-Burt" Integrated Tower Systems

The Will-Burt Company, the world’s premier manufacturer of telescoping masts for the elevation of surveillance sensor platforms and communications antennas, has acquired Integrated Tower Systems. Integrated Tower Systems specializes in the sale and rental of rapid deployment portable, telescoping tower systems, Communication-Sites-on-Wheels and Tower-Integrated Mobile Command and Communication Centers. The Company provides an innovative and…

ME4T-PRO 4m High performance transverter

• Frequency Coverage: 69.9-72MHz band. • IF in/out Frequency : 27.9-30MHz • LO frq stability: Low phase noise TCXO, Better than +-1ppm 0-+50C,• I/O Impedance : 50 Ohm unbalanced – coax jack UHF type. • Input Voltage : 13.8VDC, +-10%, polarity mismatch, 10A -40dB EMI filter. • Power Consumption : 0.36A RX, 5A TX @25W…

Software ICNIRPcalc updated

A new Version V1.01 of the software ICNIRPcalc was uploaded to the IARU R1 Server. For download please click here. With ICNIRPcalc everbody can calculate safety distances for many know amateur radio antennas with respect to ICNIRP limits. A similar programm is in use in Germany for station assesment for many years. The Version 1.0…