Dorrough 40-A2 professional analog loudness meter

The Dorrough 40-A2 is a professional analog loudness meter, designed for modern stereo recording and broadcast requirements, and offering simultaneous average and peak program display, with separate ballistics and lightning-fast response. This meter is equipped with a 40-LED bar graph, showing 1dB of resolution per LED, and 14dB of headroom. Rack or console mounted Analog…

MB-1 Programmable RF Power Meter

Features: A Fully Programmable Amateur Radio Power Meter. Many of these features are unique to MeterBuilder. Program MB-1 to interface with up to four remote couplers with Full Scale power ranges from 1 watt to 30,000 watts in steps of 1 watt. Includes a Linear Scale Crossneedle Analog Meter with Real Time response capable of…

PALSTAR ZM30 Antenna Analyzer

Specification: One of the most useful items a ham can own for antenna work is an Antenna Analyzer. The ability to know what SWR an antenna exhibits at each frequency, and to know if the reactance is capacitive or inductive is invaluable in solving antenna problems. The ZM30 Antenna Analyzer was built to fill the…