LD-1TR Software-Defined Transceiver

The LD-1TR is a NEW 5-Watt (nominal output) HF / MF transceiver for Amatreur Radio operators. It’s based on the LD-1B2 software defined receiver (in fact, there’s an LD-1B2 inside it and it looks just like an LD-1B2) but there’s an LD-1TX 5-Watt transmitter module inside the box. Like the LD-1B2, its low cost and…

Information on Free Radio Network

VoIP Gateways, connected to the FRN Network, give a bigger range to portable/mobile radios. These gateways are situated on different locations. Everything that is received by one gateway is send to other gateways over the internet. The other gateways retransmit the received signal. The gateways use the FRN Client software and are connected to a…

HAMPLUS MBD-8E Antenna Decoder

The MBD-8E is a remote control unit used to control antennas switchers. They have memory and band decoder. Each MBD-8E is able to control up to eight antennas through keys of momentary contact, illuminated by LED. By using two or more MBD-8E it’s possible to expand to 16 antennas or more. The illuminated keys indicates…

KawAZ – Azimuth Angle Calculation Program

KawAZ is the Azimuth angle calculation program for Radio Amateur General It is sometimes annoying us to accurately point the beam of antenna toward the target location. It is actually hard job for juggling with the antenna rotator, key, microphone, spitting dial tuning, logs, etc. in actual operation. KawAZ is the software to save such…

HamInfoBar for your Internet Browser

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