Barrett PRC-2090 Tactical HF Manpack Transceiver

The Barrett PRC -2090 tactical manpack is rugged, lightweight and fully immersible. It provides a range of international standard 4 and 6 digit Selective Call facilities including Telcall, SMS, GPS position and remote transceiver operational status monitoring, point to point Secure Call and remote transceiver disable capabilities. The Barrett PRC-2090 tactical manpack delivers outstanding voice…

Green (Military) Radio from Australia

Barrett Communications – HF and VHF Tactical Radios Barrett Communications design and manufacture a complete range of secure HF and VHF tactical radios. These equipment adapts easily from manpack to vehicle mobile and base station configurations. Specifications : HF systems for air traffic control Remote sited HF transmitters and receivers linked by landlines or microwave…

HF Converter Kit for FUNcube Dongle SDR

The FUNcube Dongle SDR Receiver has been a huge success so far and enjoys wide acceptance with many radio amateurs for receiving satellites and other VHF/UHF communications. The only drawback so far was reception of shortwave. With the HF converter the reception of a frequency range from 0 to 52MHz now becomes possible. The converter…

CLS 1410 On-Site Two-Way Business Radio

Delivering remarkable quality and flexibility at the push of a button, the CLSTM 1410 on-site two-way radio is designed for the fast pace of business. It operates on a four channels with a choice of 56 business-exclusive frequencies for enhanced voice quality, privacy and reliability. The VibraCall® allows users to receive alerts in discreet or…

FUNcube SDR USB Receiver

The FUNcube SDR USB dongle is an SDR (Software defined radio) receiver built as a USB stick. The receiver covers a frequency range of 64 to 1700 MHz and can display/receive a spectrum of up to 80 kHz. The FUNcube SDR receiver was developed to support the FUNcube satellite project of AMSAT-UK. This project is…