DXtreme Monitor Log 14

While chasing and listening to faraway broadcast stations remains popular, interest in monitoring aircraft, utility stations, and Amateur Radio is at an all-time high … providing many opportunities for nabbing a new country, a new state, or in the case of international aircraft received via HFDL, a new Grid Square. Truly Good Times … enhanced even…

XIEGU DDC/DUC Portable HF Transceiver

    Xiegu New product Introduction It is a new generation of ultra-portable shortwave transceiver. It adopts advanced RF direct sampling architecture and is equipped with powerful baseband and RF units. It integrates rich functions of major models and has built-in popular remote network control function. [B]ringing you a new amateur radio experience. RF direct…

SBITX V2 HF Digital Transceiver by VU2ESE

The sBitx is an open source, high performance Hybrid SDR for the 21st century radio amateurs. Powered by an internal Raspberry Pi 4, it has CW/RTTY/PSK31/SSB and FT8 with logging software, macros, spotting in-built.     The big compact : Although compact, it has the largest display shipped with a transceiver, a capacitive, touch screen…