Tomko Device for iPHOPE (for EchoLink users)
A retro CB radio shaped electric speaker microphone from Strapya World and Tomko Empire. Great device especially for EchoLink users. Link
A retro CB radio shaped electric speaker microphone from Strapya World and Tomko Empire. Great device especially for EchoLink users. Link
micro2R™ is designed for any amateur with two transceivers and any control interface. It is feature rich but easy to install and operate, provides automatic or manual control of headphone audio and transmitter selection, and is compatible with the automatic modes of all of the most popular contest logging programs. micro2R™ is two radio controller…
HBC3-A a DSP beauty that covers 12, 10 and 6 meters wins the ARRL homebrew challenge! The previous ARRL Homebrew Challenges have been to build a 5 W PEP 40 meter sideband and CW transceiver (Homebrew Challenge I) and then a 50 W linear amplifier to follow it (Homebrew Challenge II). This third challenge moved…
Description: 1.8-200MHz and 140-525MHz simultaneously measured on two separate meters Full color lighted cross needle display reads FWD, REF, and SWR simultaneously Switchable peak and average reading Power Range: 30/300/3kW (1.8-200MHz) and 20W/50W/200W (140-525MHz) Input loss: Less than 0.2dB Monitor connection (BNC), 30dB attenuated for connection to a station monitor or frequency counter etc. Accuracy:…
80m Dipole kit: This option adds a wire dipole that runs parallel to the boom, using the end loop elements for capacity hats. Performance is only 0.8dB down in gain from a full sized 80m dipole and there is zero interaction with antenna and no wind load added. DB42 MonstIR Pro Yagi Antenna The DB42…