ARS-USB Universal Rotator Interface

The ARS-USB Rotator Interface allows computer controlled operation of an antenna rotator. The interface is connected to the computer with just one USB cable (included). The drivers (included) simulate a virual serial port (COM port) which can be used with nearly any satellite tracking or contest software. Due to the flexible design of the interface…

Microtelecom FM+ Converter

FM+ Converter FM+ is a 87.5?108 MHz broadcast band converter expressely designed for the Perseus receiver. It features a very good dynamic range which perfectly matches the Perseus receiver. The converter is equipped with a control software application suited for FM DXers needs. The FM+ is equipped with an internal antenna switch for direct connection…

ARB-704 Buffer for amplifier keying

Keys nearly any PA Useable with nearly any transceiver Noiseless operation, transistor keying Fast, QSK capable Simple wiring Every transceiver has a keying output for an amplifier – but not all those outputs are capable of keying the high voltages or currents of an amplifier. High voltages or voltage peaks can destroy the keying stage…

40 °C Precision Crystal Heater

The precision crystal heater provides temperature stabilization for crystals. The circuit, which is built on AL2O3 ceramic substrate, has to be mounted on the 40 °C thermostat crystal. Then, the crystal is heated to 40.8 °C with a regulation accuracy of-better than 0.1 °C. This provides high frequency stability. The precision crystal heater is a…