iPAD, iPHONE WaveGuide Application v.1.0.3

WaveGuide is the amateur radio operator’s ultimate utility for determining HF propagation conditions, whether you’re in the shack with your linear or QRP mountaintopping. Designed from the ground up as a Universal app that works on both iPhone and iPad, WaveGuide is easy, fun, and powerful. Utilizing data from the popular PSKReporter database, WaveGuide plots…

WaveNode Digital WN-2 system

Monitor 4 sensors simultaneously for peak, Average power and coax SWR. Direct USB full speed interface. Backlit LCD display for stand-alone operation- Your PC is optional. Oscilloscope and Spectrum Analysis of the RF Modulation- Observe IM and “Splatter” frequency components realtime. Complete system includes (1) sensor, WN-2 unit, AC power module and software on CDROM.…

DUC/DDC SunSDR2 HF/VHF SDR Transceiver

Made in Russia. Special offer “Prepayment for transceiver SunSDR2” is extended to 30th June. Will be available on HAMRadio exhibition in Friedrichshafen, Germany 22-24 of June. Exhibitor’s place is A1-502 Related Info on CQDX.ru: – 10 bands SunSDR receiver MultiBandSDR (EE-MBSDR-01) (Sep, 2011) – SunSDR Transceiver  (Sep, 2011) – “SunSDR” Project (Apr, 2010 / Russian…