FA-SM station manager

You probably know the following “problems”: During an SSB contest or with only moderate activity on the radio bands you want to save your voice calling CQ so a voice keyer (“CQ parrot”) is needed. For morse code you use an electronic CW keyer for automated CQ calls anyway. And if you are active especially…


The HinzTec – anyfrog is the stand alone APRS weather- and position system for fixed and mobile use. Now with KISS mode for receive and transmit! This unit is the ideal stand alone solution for the demanding APRS – user with a multitude of options. The HinzTec – anyfrog unit connects your weather station with…

Short Message Display – SMD

The HinzTec – Short Message Display (SMD) is an enhancement with Telemetry capability to the HinzTec – anyfrog and the SCS- Tracker*. A single cable connects the SMD to the anyfrog. SMD allows an overview of local APRS activity and your transmissions. Four large, easy viewable softkeys make for a simple operation. Four different views,…

The Bird AT-500 2-520 MHz antenna tester

The Bird AT-500 2-520 MHz antenna tester provides a cost-effective, fast, graphical way to determine the quality of mobile and base station antennas. This line sweeper is rugged and easy-to-use featuring a hand-held design with extended battery life — making it ideal for in-field use. The capability of single frequency readings and frequency sweeps allow…